
My Rollercoaster: The ride doesn't end here.

Life is like a checklist to me. I think in lists. And I think with my eyes.

The minute I was offered a job yesterday (!) at my DREAM company, a new 'check' was placed on my list.

Get a job. Check.

But it doesn't end there. No. I am learning that life is a series of events, hurdles, conquests and the like. Searching for THE job (not A job) over the past 4 months has been about me getting to know myself better. When you have to answer questions in interviews like: "What is your greatest strength? What is your greatest weakness?" you begin to reflect on these things. I have been very deliberate about understanding who I am right now, so that I might improve that person for the future.

All of my goals (personal, financial, spiritual, etc.) can be reduced down to me making myself a better person. That's the ultimate goal, isn't it?

With that said, there will always be something on the list waiting to get 'checked off'. In a book I am currently reading - You, Inc. - the author used a fantastic metaphor. He said ' learn what it is that you are not good at. Then, like in weightlifting, work on that area to bring it up to par with the rest of you.' He said that we are always eager to use the 'muscles' that are the most toned, the most defined, and we fail to work on the ones that cause us the most initial pain. As a great advocate for personal fitness, that metaphor really hit home for me.

Work your 'muscles' today. ESPECIALLY the ones that hurt the most.

Humbly employed.

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