
Coupons...how I love thee.

I like to think that I have always (since I started college) been frugal. Of course, that isn't the case. However, since I have graduated from college and have started thinking more 'economically', I am finding ways to save.

For instance, this past weekend was the tax free weekend. Josh needed some new clothes and I took a peek at things for myself. Luckily, I was in the mood to 'dig' through the piles of clothes crammed on the racks in hopes of finding a bargain. What I did manage to find was a bargain. At one store, I put a bunch of stuff on hold and raced home because I knew I had a coupon. I saved $20 off my $40 purchase and only spent $20...cha ching!

Crosby makes fun of me for clipping coupons out of the Sunday paper. I love grocery shopping and even more, I love using my coupons at the grocery. Today, I saved $10 at Kroger from clipping coupons. I found tons of items that were on sale and then I could use my coupon on top of that!

THEN I went to Target (the promised land). I L-O-V-E Target. I could write an entire blog entry on how much I love Target. At Target, I discovered the clearance rack in the food section. I bought a ton of food for $13! Geez. I wasn't even at Target to buy food, but hey, for $13 i'll take it!

I've come to realize that most stores (probably due to the economy and the store's need to turnover merchandise) have a clearance area. I have found some of the coolest stuff on clearance racks, things I didn't even know existed!

I am very grateful that I had a mother who taught me how to save money. In my mind, life skills are more important than anything you learn in school. If you don't know how to function (ie. save money, write a check, budget, etc.) then you have much bigger problems than simply getting a job. What are you going to do when you've got a job? How will you know how to negotiate your salary if you aren't aware of the cost of living?

My post today is dedicated to my parents. I thank them for everything I know; everything that makes me more independent. I am proud of myself when I am a savvy shopper.

Find joy in the little things.
Jobless but not hopeless.

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