
Another Let Down

I got an email today. From the recruiter of the company I interviewed with on Tuesday. She was very complimentary of me, but said that they had hired someone else instead. Evidently, there were some who had more knowledge of the position than I had. Fair enough. I think that this was my first real 'let down'. I really wanted to work for this company. I felt like I wasn't 'settling' on something if I was offered and took this job. I would be lying if I said I wasn't bummed. I know that GOD has something planned for me. That promise makes it easier, but doesn't erase the disappointment completely.

Today I have been working on my elevator speech. I realized yesterday, while working at the Book'Em community service fair at DELL, that I am really good at selling the things I believe in. I had my elevator speech down about 30 minutes into the fair. The only catch is that it is much harder to sell yourself than it is to sell an organization or a product (assuming you really believe in them). Today I am working on selling myself. I started reading "You, Inc." and it has really sparked my interest in preparing my elevator speech.

Tomorrow is another day.

Chin up.

Jobless but not Hopeless.

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