

Dear God,

Thank you for a wonderful day. Thank you for waking my body up at 4:45am this morning. Thank you for giving me the confidence to carry myself throughout the many meetings I was in (and facilitated) today. Thank you for a family and a boyfriend that lift me up, not just when I am down.

I want to pray for my brother. Oh how I love him. Although I don't get to talk to him everyday, I think about him a million times a day. Everything he is, I am not and vice versa. We are the perfect brother and sister duo.

I pray for the decisions that I will make in the future. Decisions big and small. Good and Bad. Tough and Easy. I pray that I will listen more than I speak and not be too prideful to ask for help when I need it.

I pray that everyday I will be reminded that I am blessed. That I will delight in the 'small things.' That I will not grow tired of giving hugs or kisses. Or telling people I love them.

I pray that I will make my family and friends proud to know me each and everyday.
In HIS name I pray,

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

As I get older, I have come to understand the importance of being aware of your surroundings- especially when it comes to people. When starting a new job, I was leery of who I should associate myself with. It didn't take long for me to realize the 'office stereotypes'. I hate to sound harsh, but there are some people that I would simply refuse to be seen with - simply because of their reputation or because of the way they carried their selves (and everything that implies).

Today, I am so grateful for having positive influences/people in my life. I don't know what I would do without people who love me and encourage me. My spirits are high this evening as I had a session with my life coach this afternoon and then dinner with my parents and boyfriend. I so cherish having wonderful people in my life.
