
As my maiden voyage post, I feel the pressure to make this of exceptional quality. I cannot guarantee that. I can, however, guarantee that my posts will progressively improve over time. It is comical that I would get a sort of 'stage fright' from writing a blog...its not like anyone can see me!

Anyways, over the next....well, however long....my blog will be based on my triumphs and tribulations as I swim my way through my 'career transition'. As a recent college graduate, I am struggling to make myself appear a big fish in a vast pond. I would've never dreamed that after all of my years of working part time jobs, committing countless hours to sorority and community service and endless assignments and tests that I would be at the mercy of the U.S. economy and fall victim to unemployment. I am realistic about the economy, but I also have faith that we will bounce back. I am grateful that I am having this experience at this point in my life before I actually have something to LOSE (ie. a house). I can't imagine working for 10 or 30 years and be in the same position as a recent college grad! How humbling!

Today was a great day and I expect nothing less for tomorrow.

I am jobless, but not hopeless.